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Chapter 13 documents
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The forms and procedures will be in effect as of August 1, 2000.  Some forms are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.  If you do not have the free Acrobat PDF Reader, you can get it here.  In addition to these documents, or for instructions on the Standardized Plan, consult the Chapter 13 Trustee's site at http://www.13network.com/lexforms.htm

Standardized Chapter 13 Plan in PDF format (Form #2)
Standardized Chapter 13 Plan formatted for typing (also in PDF format)
Standardized Plan in Word format
Standardized Plan in WordPerfect format
Standardized Plan formatted for typing in Word format
Standardized Plan formatted for typing in WordPerfect format
Sample Addenda to Plan

Added July 28, 2000:

New Standing Order regarding Chapter 13 Plan
and Chapter 13 Order Confirming Plan (Form#4)


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